Membangun Bisnis Anda dengan Daftar Opt-in

Membangun Bisnis Anda dengan Daftar Opt-in

Membangun Bisnis Anda dengan Daftar Opt-in

Sebelum mengungkapkan rahasia perdagangan, di sini adalah mitos dan kesalahan yang perlu dibersihkan sebelum satu menuruti ke gedung daftar opt-in. Kesalahpahaman ini pemasaran dapat menimbulkan begitu banyak hambatan terhadap Anda keuntungan baik dari bisnis Anda.
Tidak banyak orang menggunakan email
Email pemasaran adalah salah satu metode pemasaran yang paling efektif saat ini hanya karena hampir hampir semua orang menggunakan email. Memeriksa bidang-bidang email atau kosong yang diperlukan untuk diisi pada berbagai bentuk yang dibutuhkan dalam pengolahan transaksi yang berbeda. Seseorang tanpa alamat email sama saja dengan seseorang tanpa rumah online, yang merupakan salah satu kebenaran memalukan besar bagi generasi ini.
kampanye email pemasaran dapat menyinggung banyak orang
Cara yang tidak begitu rahasia untuk mengatasi dilema ini adalah melalui iklan berbasis izin. Tidak ada salahnya mencoba setelah meminta izin.
Itu bodoh untuk mengirim email ke semua orang
Kunci untuk keadaan ini adalah untuk memiliki mata yang sangat cerdas pada siapa ke email dan yang untuk tidak email. Lebih baik mencari beberapa metrik tentang cara mengetahui sekelompok orang akan memberikan ROI tinggi atau laba atas investasi.
The Real Deal dengan Bangunan Opt-in Daftar
Setelah membersihkan kabut mengenai mitos pemasaran email, berikut adalah cara yang bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari menggunakan kekuatan kampanye pemasaran email - membangun sebuah daftar opt-in.
Namun, membangun sebuah daftar opt-in tidak sepotong kue terutama bagi yang belum tahu. Berikut ini adalah roundown tips tentang cara untuk berhasil dalam jenis usaha pemasaran.
1. Koleksi Strategis Data
Tahu mana informasi dari audiens Anda akan membantu Anda dalam biaya menurunkan dan / atau membuat penjualan berkembang. Menyusun taktik untuk membuat orang sukarela memberikan informasi yang diperlukan untuk membuat konversi yang lebih tinggi.
Overload data tidak baik. Hanya meminta untuk opt-in, dengan nama dan email lengkap alamat mereka. Pastikan bahwa profil yang Anda kumpulkan diperbarui untuk membantu dalam meningkatkan relevansi, ketepatan waktu dan kepuasan dari setiap transaksi yang Anda lakukan.
2. Pelaksanaan Good
Pepatah lama mengatakan itu semua - 'tindakan berbicara lebih keras daripada kata-kata'. Ini dengan mudah diterjemahkan menjadi kesulitan kita harus menjalani selama pelaksanaan atau pemasaran email nya upaya. Ini adalah hal yang baik bahwa berbagai metode, sering murah, berlimpah untuk mempercepat dan memfasilitasi bangunan dari seseorang opt-in database.
Pelacakan hasil pemasaran email Anda dapat menimbulkan kesulitan besar, juga. Teknologi dan sumber yang relevan harus digunakan dalam membuat aspek pemasaran Anda banyak dikelola. kelompok lalu lintas tinggi Anda opt-in dengan hasil terbesar harus diambil dicatat dari.
Berikut ini adalah metode yang paling banyak digunakan untuk memanfaatkan saluran tanpa overspending:
1. Membuat penggunaan situs web.
Ini adalah alat yang sangat baik untuk pengumpulan data dan menyediakan Anda dengan info yang relevan mengenai penawaran email Anda. Gunakan form yang meminta alamat email pengunjung Anda dan persetujuan.
2. Memanfaatkan iklan cetak, brosur, TV, radio dan surat langsung.
Ini adalah cara yang lebih populer pemasaran bertujuan untuk memimpin lalu lintas ke situs seseorang. Anda mungkin ingin meminta pendaftaran untuk layanan email. Membuat website Anda lebih terlihat melalui media ini. Menawarkan gratis newsletter elektronik dan atau imbalan program yang dapat melakukannya dengan baik dalam membuat mudah untuk memenangkan anggukan audiens Anda, juga.
3. Maksimalkan tenaga penjualan Anda.
rekan layanan pelanggan dapat membantu banyak dalam membuat Anda mendapatkan keuntungan lebih dari korespondensi email Anda. Penjualan orang dengan pendidikan yang tepat tentang cara untuk membantu Anda dalam usaha ini dapat sangat baik berkontribusi untuk ROI yang lebih tinggi. Teknik seperti menawarkan update account dan program khusus melalui email dapat dengan mudah mendarat Anda yang daftar pengunjung yang berharga.
4. Jangan membuat tempat penjualan Anda sia-sia.
Formulir untuk pendaftaran terletak di register kas dan lalu lintas tinggi lainnya dan tempat-tempat yang sangat terlihat bisa tempat yang sangat baik untuk bisnis Anda untuk mengumpulkan alamat email. Pemberitahuan penjualan mendatang melalui alamat email mereka dan nama dapat membujuk mereka untuk menyediakan Anda dengan informasi yang Anda butuhkan.
5. Konferensi atau pameran dagang dapat bekerja, juga.
penawaran giveaway atau entri pada undian yang besar untuk opt-in untuk relawan rincian kontak mereka.
Taktik ini harus diterapkan dengan cukup hati-hati dan harus fokus pada produktif kepercayaan dari daftar opt-in Anda bukan hanya menyusun data untuk keuntungan sendiri tunggal Anda. Selalu pastikan bahwa bentuk-bentuk yang akan Anda gunakan dan metode lain yang Anda akan mempekerjakan tidak akan memerlukan terlalu banyak rewel untuk berlangganan. Ini adalah untuk orang-orang untuk tidak terganggu selama proses permohonan data.
Dengan sekumpulan informasi, yang pernah bisa salah dengan prestasi membangun sebuah daftar opt-in?
Membangun Opt Sangat bertarget dalam Daftar: Ketika Uang Lies Beneath Lists
Apakah Anda sukses dengan bisnis internet Anda? Lebih baik lagi, apakah Anda pikir Anda berhasil dengan bisnis online Anda? Ketika sebagian besar pengusaha online diminta dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, mereka sering sikat itu. Hal ini karena sebagian besar dari mereka, yang belum menyadari cara yang tepat untuk berhasil di Internet Marketing, terus percaya bahwa fakta bahwa mereka memiliki sebuah situs web sudah cukup untuk sukses di Internet.
Yang benar adalah, mereka semua berakhir sangat marah karena mereka gagal menyadari rahasia di balik kesuksesan di Internet Marketing.
Memiliki sebuah website bukan jaminan bahwa bisnis online Anda akan berhasil. Bagaimana Anda akan berhasil jika orang tidak akan menyadari bahwa bisnis Anda ada online? Kunci untuk pemasaran Internet adalah untuk mendapatkan bisnis Anda menyadarinya.
Sebuah cara yang efektif untuk melakukan ini adalah untuk membangun sebuah daftar opt-in. Bahkan, sebagian besar orang yang sudah ahli dalam pemasaran internet akan memberitahu Anda bahwa membangun opt sangat ditargetkan dalam daftar adalah alat yang paling efektif dan penting dalam pemasaran Internet.
Pada dasarnya, opt dalam daftar adalah daftar alamat email dari orang-orang yang telah sepakat untuk mendapatkan informasi apapun dari bisnis online seperti Anda. Istilah "memilih" berarti bahwa Anda memiliki izin mereka untuk mengirim kepada mereka newsletter apapun, brosur, atau promosi yang Anda miliki dalam bisnis online Anda.
Hal ini sangat penting bahwa Anda memiliki izin terlebih dahulu sebelum Anda mengirimnya informasi karena email yang tidak diinginkan akan dianggap sebagai spam, dan spamming adalah kegiatan ilegal di Net.
Karena kelayakan bangunan opt dalam daftar pada pemasaran internet, sebagian besar pengusaha online menganggapnya sebagai alat yang paling berharga online. Mereka membutuhkan daftar ini untuk mendapatkan perhatian konsumen dan mempertahankan minat.
Dengan membuat opt ​​dalam daftar, Anda akan dapat mempertahankan kontak padat dengan pembeli sebelumnya pada saat yang sama meningkatkan penjualan Anda karena kenyataan bahwa Anda memiliki target pasar pasti selalu siap untuk membeli item dari Anda.
Keikutsertaan dalam daftar dianggap item yang paling penting dalam internet marketer. Bahkan, jika dalam kasus sesuatu yang buruk terjadi seperti darurat dan bencana dan mereka hanya bisa menyelamatkan satu item, itu akan memilih dalam daftar disimpan pada disk cadangan.
Bayangkan bagaimana orang-orang menghargai mereka memilih dalam daftar. Jika hal ini terjadi, maka harus benar-benar sesuatu, kan?
Jadi, bagi orang yang belum menyadari pentingnya membangun opt sangat ditargetkan dalam daftar dan ingin tahu bagaimana membangun mereka, berikut adalah beberapa tips yang bisa sangat berguna.
1. Tentukan ceruk pasar atau target pasar Anda.
Hal ini sangat penting untuk mengetahui target pasar Anda untuk fokus pada sesuatu. Ini akan sangat membingungkan dan memakan waktu jika Anda akan membangun opt dalam daftar tanpa pasar tertentu dalam pikiran waktu.
Selain itu, memiliki ceruk pasar akan membawa lebih fokus pada kampanye pemasaran Anda dan akan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik karena Anda memiliki mengarahkan Anda email ke orang-orang yang kemungkinan besar akan tertarik pada mereka.
2. Pastikan bahwa target pasar yang Anda pilih tersedia di Internet.
Akuisisi hanya dari ceruk pasar bukanlah jaminan bahwa Anda sudah bisa mulai membangun Anda memilih daftar. Sejak, konsep memilih dalam daftar secara khusus dihasilkan untuk membantu dalam pertumbuhan pasar internet dari pengusaha tertentu, adalah penting untuk memiliki ceruk pasar yang tersedia melalui Internet.
Konsep ini pada dasarnya sederhana, bagaimana Anda dapat mempromosikan bisnis online Anda jika pasar niche Anda tidak tersedia di Internet? Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk memastikan jika target pasar Anda tersedia secara online.
3. Pastikan jika target pasar yang Anda pilih adalah pasar yang menghasilkan pendapatan.
Membangun opt sangat ditargetkan dalam daftar hanya akan sia-sia jika pasar niche Anda tidak menghasilkan pendapatan sama sekali.
Cobalah untuk memverifikasi potensi menghasilkan pendapatan mereka melalui mesin pencari, dimana Anda akan menemukan beberapa iklan dibayar yang terkait dengan kata kunci yang Anda telah mencari. Ini hanya berarti bahwa jika seseorang bersedia membayar untuk mengiklankan fokus pada target pasar yang sama yang Anda miliki dalam pikiran, kemungkinan besar, Anda akan dapat menuai hasil positif pada target pasar Anda.
4. Menghasilkan solusi terhadap masalah-masalah target pasar Anda dengan menggunakan forum internet.
Menciptakan jenis ini forum akan memulai solusi mendasar yang akan menjawab untuk sebagian besar masalah target pasar Anda.
Melalui posting dan benang mereka, Anda akan mampu mengidentifikasi masalah target pasar Anda dan akan dapat datang dengan solusi yang bagus. Pada gilirannya, hal itu akan sangat berguna ketika Anda membuat Anda memilih daftar.
Memang, keberhasilan sebuah bisnis atau internet pemasaran online sangat tergantung pada memilih dalam daftar. Ini adalah tempat bisnis online bisa datang dengan newsletter yang akan memungkinkan mereka untuk mempromosikan produk mereka pada saat yang sama menciptakan kebutuhan untuk itu. Pada gilirannya, hal itu akan menghasilkan lebih banyak pendapatan dan membuat lebih banyak uang.
Seperti yang mereka katakan, uang dalam daftar itu sebabnya kebanyakan bisnis pertimbangkan opt dalam daftar berharga seperti emas.

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Building Your Business with an Opt-in List

Building Your Business with an Opt-in List

Building Your Business with an Opt-in List

Before revealing the secrets of the trades, here are myths and fallacies that need to be cleared before one indulges into building an opt-in list. These marketing misconceptions could pose so much of an obstacle towards your profitting well from your business.

Not a lot of people use email

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods nowadays simply because virtually almost all people use email. Check on those email fields or blanks required to be filled up on various forms needed in processing different transactions. A person without an email address is tantamount to a person without an online home, which is one big shameful truth for this generation.

Email marketing campaigns can offend a lot of people

The not-so secret way to surmount this dilemma is through permission-based advertising. There's no harm in trying after asking for permission. 

It's stupid to send email to all the people

The key to this predicament is to have a very discerning eye on who to email and who to not email. Better look for some metrics on how to know which group of people would give you high ROI or return on investment.

The Real Deal with Building Opt-in List

After clearing the fog regarding email marketing myths, here's how one can benefit from employing the power of email marketing campaigns - building an opt-in list.

However, building an opt-in list is not a piece of cake particularly for the uninitiated. Here is a roundown of tips on how to succeed in this kind of marketing endeavor.

1. Strategic Collection of Data

Know which information from your audiences will help you in lowering expenses and/or make sales flourish. Devise a tactic to make people voluntarily provide you with the information necessary to create higher conversion.

Overload of data is not good. Ask only for opt-in, with their full name and email addresses. Make sure that the profiles that you gather are updated to aid in improving the relevance, timeliness and satisfaction from each deal you make.

2. Good Implementation

Old adage says it all - 'action speaks louder than words'. This easily translates to the difficulty one has to undergo during the execution of his or her email marketing efforts. It's a good thing that various methods, often low-cost, abound to hasten and facilitate the building up of one's opt-in database. 

Tracking your email marketing results can pose great hardship, too. Technology and relevant sources should be employed in making this aspect of your marketing a lot manageable. Your high traffic groups of opt-ins with the greatest result should be taken noted of. 

The following are the most widely used methods to leverage channels without overspending:

1. Make use of websites.

It is an excellent tool for data collation and providing you with relevant info regarding your email offers. Use forms that solicit your visitor's email address and consent.

2. Make use of print ads, brochures, TV, radio and direct mail.

These are the more popular ways of marketing aiming to lead traffic to one's site. You may want to ask for signups for email services. Make your website more visible through these media. Offering free electronic newsletters and or rewards program can do well in making it easy to win the nod of your audiences, too.

3. Maximize your sales force.

Customer service associates can help a lot in making you benefit more from your email correspondence. Sales people with proper education on how to aid you in this endeavor can very well contribute to higher ROI. Techniques like offering account updates and special programs through email can easily land you those lists of valuable visitors.

4. Don't make your point of sale pointless.

Forms for signup located at cash registers and other high-traffic and highly visible spots can be very excellent venues for your business to collect email addresses. Notification of upcoming sales through their email addresses and names can coax them to supply you with the information you need.

5. Conferences or trade shows can work, too.

Giveaway offers or entries on sweepstakes are great for opt-in to volunteer their contact details. 

These tactics should be applied with adequate caution and should focus on earning the trust of your opt-in list instead of simply collating data for your sole own benefit. Always make sure that the forms that you will use and other methods that you will employ will not necessitate too much fuss to subscribe. This is for people to not be annoyed during the process of data supplication. 

With that bunch of information, who can ever go wrong with the feat of building an opt-in list?

Building a Highly-targeted Opt in List: When Money Lies Beneath the Lists

Are you successful with your Internet business? Better yet, do you think you are successful with your online business? When most online entrepreneurs are asked with these questions, they often brush it off. This is because most of them, who have not yet realize the right way to succeed in Internet Marketing, continue to believe that the mere fact that they have a website is already enough to succeed on the Internet.

The truth is, they all end up very upset because they fail to realize the secret behind the success in Internet Marketing.

Having a website is not a guarantee that your online business will succeed. How will you succeed if people will not realize that your business exist online? The key to Internet marketing is to get your business noticed. 

An effective way to do this is to build an opt-in list. In fact, most of the people who are already experts in Internet marketing will tell you that building a highly targeted opt in list is the most effective and important tool in Internet marketing.

Basically, an opt in list is a list of email addresses of people who have agreed to obtain any kind of information from online businesses like you. The term “opt in” means that you have their permission to send to them whatever newsletters, brochures, or promotions that you have in your online business. 

It is extremely important that you have their permission first before you send them information because unsolicited emails will be regarded as spam, and spamming is an illegal activity in the Net.

Because of the feasibility of building an opt in list on Internet marketing, most of the online entrepreneurs consider it as the most treasured tool online. They need this list in order to get the consumer’s attention and sustain interest.

By creating an opt in list, you will be able to maintain solid contact with your previous buyers at the same time boost your sales because of the fact that you have a sure target market always ready to purchase items from you.

Opt in list is considered to be the most important item in an Internet marketer. In fact, if in case something bad happens like emergencies and catastrophes and they could only save one item, it would be their opt in list saved on a backup disk. 

Just imagine how these people value their opt in list. If this is the case, then it must be really something, right?

So, for people who are not yet aware of the importance of building a highly targeted opt in list and would like to know how to build them, here are some tips that could be very useful.

1. Decide on your niche market or your target market.

It is extremely important to know your target market in order to focus on something. It would be really confusing and time consuming if you will build an opt in list with no particular market in mind.

Moreover, having a niche market would bring more focus on your marketing campaigns and would derive better results because you have direct you emails to people who would most likely be interested in them.

2. Be sure that your selected target market is available in the Internet.

The mere acquisition of a niche market is not a guarantee that you can already start building your opt in list. Since, the concept of opt in list is specifically generated to aid in the growth of the Internet market of a particular entrepreneur, it is important to have a niche market that is available through the Internet.

The concept is basically simple, how can you promote your online business if your niche market is not available in the Internet? Hence, it is extremely important to verify if your target market is available online.

3. Verify if your chosen target market is income-generating market.

Building a highly targeted opt in list will just go to waste if your niche market is not generating any income at all.

Try to verify their income-generating potential through the search engines, wherein you will find some paid ads related to the keywords you have searched. This would only mean that if somebody is willing to pay to advertise focusing on the same target market that you have in mind, chances are, you will be able to reap positive results on your target market.

4. Generate solutions to the problems of your target market by using Internet forum.

Creating this type of forum will initiate the underlying solutions that will answer to most of your target market’s problem.

Through their posts and threads, you will be able to identify your target market’s problem and will be able to come up with a great solution. In turn, it will be very handy when you make your opt in list.

Indeed, the success of an online business or Internet marketing greatly depends on the opt in list. It is where the online businesses could come up with newsletters that would allow them to promote their products at the same time create the need for it. In turn, it will generate more income and make more money.

As they say, money is in the list that’s why most businesses consider opt in list as valuable as gold.

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'Hentikan Stuff Bodoh' Dalam Bisnis Anda
Hentikan Stuff Bodoh' Dalam Bisnis Anda


'Hentikan Stuff Bodoh' Dalam Bisnis Anda

Jumlah kata:

Kita hidup di dunia perubahan. Pergeseran yang terjadi! Persaingan datang dari seluruh dunia, yang berarti bahwa banyak bisnis Amerika berada dalam kesulitan.

Kata kunci:
'Hentikan Stuff Bodoh' Dalam Bisnis Anda

Pasal Tubuh:
Kita hidup di dunia perubahan. Pergeseran yang terjadi! Persaingan datang dari seluruh dunia, yang berarti bahwa banyak bisnis Amerika berada dalam kesulitan.

Banyak keputusan dibuat yang bertentangan dengan baik naluri bisnis dan membangun loyalitas pelanggan yang baik.

pemasaran yang paling organisasi 'biasanya latihan dalam mencari tahu apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pelanggan saat ini atau potensial untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak dolar dengan mereka.

Saya menyarankan bahwa alih-alih berpikir tentang apa yang harus dilakukan, mencari tahu apa yang harus berhenti melakukan. Dengan kata lain, berhenti melakukan "hal-hal bodoh."

Tidak melakukan hal-hal bodoh berarti mencari tahu apa yang mencegah pelanggan dari pengeluaran uang dengan Anda dan memastikan bahwa tindakan atau reaksi tidak pernah terjadi lagi.

Berikut ini adalah contoh dari apa yang saya sebut "hal-hal bodoh." Beberapa maskapai penerbangan sekarang ingin menagih pelanggan yang ingin berbicara dengan agen hidup.

Itu hal-hal bodoh dalam dua cara. Pertama, mereka telah memilih untuk menghukum pelanggan yang ingin terus mendapatkan apa yang mereka selalu mendapat - perhatian satu-satu. Lebih buruk lagi, mereka sudah melakukannya dengan mengatakan mereka akan mengenakan biaya lebih untuk ini tingkat sebelumnya standar pelayanan. Berapa banyak pelanggan mereka akan kalah karena keputusan ini? Aku tahu setidaknya satu.

Ada lebih halus, tapi tidak kurang merusak, hal-hal bodoh bisnis perlu berhenti melakukan.

Ambil, misalnya, kotak Wheaties baru. General Mills baru-baru ini diperkenalkan kotak Wheaties dengan foto dari peraih medali emas AS Olimpiade. Salah satu yang hilang: Paul Hamm. Mengapa?

Ini adalah respon General Mills 'pertanyaan saya:

"Memilih Wheaties Champion tidak pernah tugas yang mudah, terutama ketika kita menyaksikan begitu banyak pertunjukan yang luar biasa dengan begitu banyak atlet kejuaraan. Tapi itu hanya tidak mungkin untuk menghormati setiap juara pada kotak Wheaties."

Jadi mereka meninggalkan orang AS pertama yang memenangkan Olimpiade semua-sekitar kejuaraan senam di salah satu comebacks terbesar olahraga tersebut? Kembali dari penurunan bencana untuk mendekati sempurna tinggi-bar rutin mendapat pujian dekat-universal dan, bagi kebanyakan dari kita, mendefinisikan kata "juara."

Tapi ada kontroversi. Seperti kebanyakan Anda tahu, seorang pesenam Korea Selatan mengklaim bahwa kesalahan scoring biaya dia emas dan mengajukan banding ke Pengadilan Arbitrasi Olahraga. Pengadilan baru-baru ini memutuskan bahwa Hamm dapat menjaga medali emas.

Meskipun medali itu diperdebatkan, itu bukan karena apa-apa Hamm lakukan atau tidak lakukan. Namun, General Mills memutuskan untuk melakukan "aman" hal. Tapi dengan menjadi aman dan meninggalkan keluar Hamm, Wheaties mengasingkan jutaan pelanggan yang melihat dia tidak kontroversial, tapi sebagai pahlawan, dan kehilangan pelanggan dalam proses. Sekarang itu "hal-hal bodoh."

Jadi mulai berhenti! Berhenti mengatakan "Tidak" dan mulai menggunakan kata "Ya." Menghentikan pengisian untuk layanan yang kebanyakan dari kita berpikir bebas.

Cari tahu apa exasperates, enggan, kerepotan atau membingungkan pelanggan Anda dan menghentikannya.
3 Peluang Bisnis Review Online Terbaru

Jumlah kata:

tukang kayu Kanada menutup telepon sabuk alat untuk bisnis online. Memberikan review yang jujur ​​dari peluang online.

Kata kunci:
Membuat uang di rumah, bisnis rumah, uang, brengsek kaya, bekerja di rumah ibu, bisnis internet

Pasal Tubuh:
Jujur Peluang Business Review. Akhirnya dengan cara yang jujur ​​untuk membuat uang secara online.

Lelah peluang bisnis yang tidak memberikan apa yang mereka janji? Kami telah meninjau program penjualan atas di Internet saat ini. Di bawah ini Anda akan menemukan link ke review dari 3 atas peluang yang benar-benar bekerja.

Kunci untuk membuat uang secara online adalah mengetahui bagaimana dan di mana untuk memulai.

Tanpa titik awal yang tepat Anda akan membuang-buang waktu yang berharga dan satu ton uang. Produk berikut menjamin kesuksesan online Anda, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah membacanya dan mengikuti saran ahli! Semua program memberikan uang 100% kembali jaminan, memerlukan sedikit atau tidak ada pengalaman, menawarkan panduan langkah demi langkah, dan menggunakan strategi yang telah terbukti yang akan membuat Anda uang.

Program-program ini mudah digunakan, memiliki harga investasi kecil, dan Anda dapat melihat hasil biasanya pada hari pertama! Sekarang Anda tidak akan membuat jutaan semalam, seperti beberapa program janji, tetapi Anda akan membangun penghasilan paruh waktu bagus yang pasti bisa membantu dengan tagihan (semua orang yang saya tahu tidak akan mengatakan tidak untuk tambahan $ 500 + dolar sebulan).

Anda bahkan mungkin mempertimbangkan menggunakan semua program yang disarankan dan dari waktu ke waktu menggantikan pendapatan yang ada. Itulah yang saya lakukan, dan Tuhan tahu aku ada "guru", sebenarnya saya seorang tukang kayu harian dari Kanada yang hanya ingin bisnis hobi secara online bagus. Saya tidak mengharapkan hal-hal besar, hanya beberapa uang ekstra, uang "FUN". Sekarang program ini telah benar-benar diambil dari, saya menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan keluarga saya dan bermain di toko saya. Aku tidak pernah berharap bisnis ini meledak bagi saya!

Periksa baru # 1 Pilihlah kami! satu ini berperingkat Peluang # 1 untuk membuat uang secara online.

Salam hangat,
Dwayne Armstrong

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'Stop the Stupid Stuff' In Your Business

'Stop the Stupid Stuff' In Your Business


'Stop the Stupid Stuff' In Your Business

Word Count:

We are living in a world of change. Shift happens! Competition comes from all over the world, which means that many American businesses are in trouble.

'Stop the Stupid Stuff' In Your Business

Article Body:
We are living in a world of change. Shift happens! Competition comes from all over the world, which means that many American businesses are in trouble. 

Many decisions are being made that are contrary to both good business sense and building customer loyalty.

Most organizations' marketing is usually an exercise in figuring out what to do to get current or potential customers to spend more dollars with them. 

I'm suggesting that instead of thinking about what to do, figure out what to stop doing. In other words, stop doing the "stupid stuff."

Not doing the stupid stuff means finding out what prevents customers from spending money with you and making sure that that action or reaction never happens again.

Here's an example of what I call "stupid stuff." Some airlines now want to charge customers who want to speak to a live agent.

That's stupid stuff in two ways. First, they've chosen to penalize customers who want to continue getting what they've always gotten - one-on-one attention. Worse, they've done it by saying they will charge more for this previously standard level of service. How many customers will they lose because of this decision? I know of at least one.

There are more subtle, but no less damaging, stupid things businesses need to stop doing.

Take, for example, the new Wheaties boxes. General Mills recently introduced Wheaties boxes with photos of the U.S. Olympic gold medalists. One was missing: Paul Hamm. Why?

This was General Mills' response to my inquiry:

"Selecting a Wheaties Champion has never been an easy task, especially when we have witnessed so many outstanding performances by so many championship athletes. But it simply isn't possible to honor every champion on the Wheaties box."

So they leave off the first U.S. man to win the Olympics all-around gymnastics championship in one of the sport's greatest comebacks? His return from a disastrous fall to a near-perfect high-bar routine won near-universal praise and, for most of us, defined the word "champion."

But there was controversy. As most of you know, a South Korean gymnast claimed that a scoring error cost him the gold and appealed to the Court of Arbitration for sport. The court recently ruled that Hamm can keep the gold medal.

Even though the medal was disputed, it was not because of anything Hamm did or did not do. Still, General Mills decided to do the "safe" thing. But by being safe and leaving out Hamm, Wheaties is alienating the millions of customers who see him not as controversial, but as a hero, and losing customers in the process. Now that's "stupid stuff."

So start stopping! Stop saying "No" and start using the word "Yes." Stop charging for services that most of us think are free.

Find out what exasperates, discourages, hassles or confuses your customers and stop it.
3 Most Recent Online Business Opportunities Review

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Canadian carpenter hangs up the tool belt for online business. Gives an honest review of online opportunities.

Make money at home, home business, money, rich jerk, work at home mom, internet business

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Honest Business Opportunities Review. Finally an honest way to make money online.

Tired of business opportunities that do not deliver what they promise? We have reviewed the top selling programs on the Internet today. Below you will find a link to reviews of the top 3 opportunities that actually work. 

The key to making money online is knowing how and where to start. 

Without the right starting point you will waste precious time and a ton of money. The following products guarantee your online success, all you have to do is read them and follow their expert advice! All programs provide a 100% money back guarantee, require little or no experience, offer a step by step guide, and use proven strategies that will make you money. 

These programs are simple to use, have a small investment price, and you are able to see results usually on the first day! Now you won't make millions overnight, like some programs promise, but you will build a nice part-time income that can certainly help with the bills (everyone I know wouldn't say no to an extra $500+ bucks a month). 

You might even consider using all the suggested programs and over time replace your existing income. That's what I did, and lord knows i'm no "guru", actually i am a journeyman carpenter from Canada that just wanted a nice online hobby business. I wasn't expecting great things, just some extra cash, some "FUN" money. Now these programs have really taken off, I spend more time with my family and playing in my shop. I never expected this business to explode for me!

Check out our new #1 Pick! This one is rated the #1 Opportunity for making money online.

Warm Regards,
Dwayne Armstrong

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Usaha Kecil Rumahan - Lima Langkah Sederhana untuk Sukses

Usaha Kecil Rumahan - Lima Langkah Sederhana untuk Sukses

<B> Usaha Kecil Rumahan - Lima Langkah Sederhana untuk Sukses </ b>

Jumlah kata:

Di Australia, 60% dari usaha kecil gagal dalam dua belas bulan pertama. Untuk siapa pun yang ingin memulai usaha kecil - bahkan mungkin bekerja dari rumah - bahwa statistik tampaknya menakutkan. Jangan berkecil hati! Baca tentang lima prinsip bisnis sederhana yang dapat membantu Anda untuk berhasil.

Kata kunci:
Kecil peluang rumahan bisnis, bekerja di rumah, peluang usaha yang serius rumahan, peluang bisnis rumahan terbaik.

Pasal Tubuh:
Apakah Anda tahu bahwa, di Australia, 60% dari usaha kecil gagal dalam dua belas bulan pertama? Bagi kita yang ingin memulai usaha kecil - bahkan mungkin bekerja dari rumah - itu adalah statistik yang sangat mengecewakan.

Apakah itu berarti bahwa ide bisnis Anda akan gagal? Jauh dari itu! Ada beberapa langkah yang dapat Anda ambil yang sangat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk sukses. Dengan sedikit waktu dan beberapa penelitian yang serius Anda dapat memukul tanah berjalan. Mari kita mulai dari awal ...

<B> Ide terang </ b>

Pertama, tentu saja, Anda perlu datang dengan sebuah ide. Biasanya, peluang bisnis dapat dibagi menjadi empat kelompok:

1. Menawarkan produk / layanan yang ada di pasar yang ada.
2. Memperkenalkan produk / layanan yang ada ke pasar baru.
3. Menawarkan produk / layanan baru dalam pasar yang ada
4. Memperkenalkan produk / layanan baru untuk pasar baru.

Pada tahap ini permainan satu-satunya batas adalah imajinasi Anda. Inspirasi bisa datang dari mana saja - mungkin Anda memiliki hobi yang Anda ingin berubah menjadi pekerjaan penuh waktu; Anda mungkin berada di akhir menerima layanan buruk satu hari dan memutuskan untuk mencoba melakukannya lebih baik sendiri; atau Anda mungkin memiliki bakat yang Anda ingin memanfaatkan.

Setelah Anda menemukan sesuatu yang Anda ingin lakukan, saatnya untuk melihat di pasar dan melihat apa yang ditawarkan.

<B> Lulus tes </ b>

Jadi Anda sudah memiliki ide bagus dan Anda tertarik untuk roll dengan itu; sekarang saatnya untuk memasukkannya melalui langkah. Untuk tujuan latihan, mari kita mengatakan bahwa Anda memiliki gairah untuk hidup sehat, dan bahwa Anda ingin mendistribusikan berbagai aksesoris gaya hidup yang mempromosikan hidup sehat dengan pendekatan do-it-yourself.

Bertanya-tanya: Apakah ada pasar untuk produk yang mempromosikan hidup sehat? Apa macam produk yang tersedia? Siapa yang akan Anda menjadi bersaing dengan dan apa yang pesaing Anda tawarkan? Apakah Anda memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan bisnis tersebut dan - lebih penting - apa yang akan keterampilan menjadi? Di mana akan bisnis Anda berada?

Setelah Anda menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan Anda harus memiliki gambaran yang cukup jelas tentang apa bisnis Anda akan terlihat seperti.

Anda sumber beberapa produk dan memutuskan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut ke berbagai produk gaya hidup yang ditawarkan oleh sebuah perusahaan bernama Vitality 4 Life. pengalaman hidup Anda sendiri ditambah beberapa pekerjaan yang telah Anda lakukan sebagai ahli gizi telah memberikan keahlian yang diperlukan, dan Anda berpikir bahwa Anda akan dapat bekerja dari rumah, memberikan Anda lebih banyak waktu untuk keluarga. Ada pasar yang ada, tapi ada ruang untuk ekspansi. Sekarang saatnya untuk melihat lebih dekat.

<B> Untuk menjadi atau tidak menjadi? </ B>

Sudah waktunya untuk turun ke mur dan baut. Anda tidak ingin melompat ke kaki sesuatu pertama dan menemukan cara yang keras bahwa anggaran tidak bekerja.

Untuk memulai, duduk dan bekerja di luar jika Anda perlu untuk mempekerjakan staf, yang berarti membayar upah.

Jika Anda menyewa lokasi Anda harus dapat membayar sewa, dan lokasi Anda harus cocok untuk bisnis Anda dan target pasar (yang juga berarti bahwa Anda harus berpikir hati-hati tentang apa yang target pasar adalah ). Anda juga akan perlu bekerja keluar kemungkinan permintaan untuk produk / jasa Anda.

Ok ... Anda sudah bekerja bahwa ada cukup permintaan untuk Juicer kualitas yang baik, sprouters, air filter dan aksesoris high end lain untuk mengambil gambar di sebuah distribusi sebagai peluang bisnis rumahan. Sekarang Anda perlu membuat beberapa keputusan pemasaran.

<B> Lihat aku! Lihatlah aku! </ B>

Iklan dapat mahal sehingga Anda akan ingin memastikan bahwa anggaran iklan Anda dihabiskan dengan bijaksana. Itu berarti lebih banyak penelitian pasar, kali ini satu-satu. Profil kelompok pelanggan Anda sehingga Anda dapat bertujuan pemasaran Anda di kanan kelompok / s orang.

Menyusun kuesioner (angket pendek - orang kehabisan kesabaran jika Anda mengoceh terlalu lama) dan nongkrong di luar beberapa gyms lokal (misalnya tertentu kami). Datang dengan campuran pertanyaan terbuka (Apa yang Anda pikirkan ...... ..?) Dan pertanyaan tertutup (Apakah Anda memiliki keanggotaan gym Ya / Tidak?.); geser skala dapat berguna juga.

Untuk bisnis aksesoris kesehatan kita, pertanyaan yang bagus mungkin 'Bagaimana Anda mendengar tentang gym ini? Radio, tv, koran, dari mulut ke mulut dll ... 'Pertanyaan seperti itu maka akan memberikan indikasi jenis media yang kelompok sasaran Anda merespon terbaik untuk.

Pilih nama bisnis, mencetak beberapa kartu nama, membeli beberapa saham dan bersiap-siap untuk perdagangan!

<B> Mengukur itu, mengelolanya! </ B>

Seorang guru saya membuat titik bahwa, dalam bisnis, jika Anda tidak dapat mengukurnya Anda tidak bisa mengelolanya.

Anda harus mampu untuk merencanakan ke depan, dan untuk itu Anda perlu tahu - atau dapat secara akurat memprediksi - total penjualan Anda. persamaan sederhana: jumlah pelanggan x dijual x frekuensi rata-rata kunjungan per pelanggan per tahun = total penjualan. Ingat, merevisi sering, mengukur bisnis Anda dan Anda akan dapat mengelolanya!

Mengawasi bottom line dan yang paling penting, selalu sadar arus kas Anda - dingin, uang tunai yang Anda miliki di bank. Memungkinkan untuk periode faktur (14 hari, 30 hari dll) ketika Anda merencanakan anggaran Anda.

Pasar memiliki kehidupan sendiri, dan tidak ada yang bisa mempersiapkan diri untuk setiap kontingensi. Menempatkan beberapa pemikiran ke ide Anda; memastikan bahwa ada pasar untuk apa yang Anda tawarkan; penelitian, riset, penelitian; mempromosikan bisnis Anda secara efektif; selalu tahu apa yang terjadi di rekening bank Anda dan jangan lupa tentang arus kas!

Ini tidak sempurna tapi, jika Anda mengikuti beberapa langkah sederhana, Anda akan mil di depan banyak usaha bisnis kecil baru. Jika Anda pernah mendengar tentang peluang bisnis yang besar berbasis rumah, atau memiliki produk atau jasa Anda sendiri ke pasar, Anda akan berangkat ke awal yang baik!

"Mematikan" atau "Power On?"

Jumlah kata:

Apakah Anda mengambil laptop Anda berlibur? Apakah Anda kadang-kadang "benci" ponsel Anda atau Blackberry Anda? Harris Interactive baru ini melaporkan bahwa sepertiga dari berlibur mengambil laptop mereka berlibur. Selama hari Minggu makan di sebuah restoran baru-baru ini, saya mengamati seorang pria duduk dengan keluarganya berbicara di telepon genggamnya - jelas tentang bisnis. Dia tidak senang - tidak adalah keluarganya!

Kata kunci:
pengorganisasian, manajemen waktu, perjalanan,

Pasal Tubuh:
Apakah Anda mengambil laptop Anda berlibur? Apakah Anda kadang-kadang "benci" ponsel Anda atau Blackberry Anda? Harris Interactive baru ini melaporkan bahwa sepertiga dari berlibur mengambil laptop mereka berlibur. Selama hari Minggu makan di sebuah restoran baru-baru ini, saya mengamati seorang pria duduk dengan keluarganya berbicara di telepon genggamnya - jelas tentang bisnis. Dia tidak senang - tidak adalah keluarganya!

Mengutip Charles Dickens, "Ini adalah yang terbaik dari kali. Ini adalah saat terburuk. "Tentu saja yang berlaku ketika datang ke" konektivitas. "Cerita dari 9-11 korban bisa berkomunikasi dengan anggota keluarga di menit terakhir dari kehidupan mereka menghangatkan hati saya, sementara cerita teman saya menceritakan tentang ibunya menjawab telepon genggamnya di ruang bersalin selama kelahiran cucunya dingin jiwaku.

Bagaimana bersyukur aku untuk ponsel saya ketika saya datang di seorang wanita muda terhenti di interstate tanpa satu, dan saya bisa segera mendapatkan bantuan. Bagaimana nyaman itu adalah berlibur untuk menggunakan Internet untuk mengeksplorasi pilihan untuk hiburan di daerah pada sore hujan, dan arah untuk menemukannya dengan mudah. Bagaimana menyenangkan untuk mengetahui bahwa keluarga saya bisa menghubungi saya di keadaan darurat - atau sesuatu untuk merayakan! - Terlepas dari keberadaan saya di dunia. Hal yang sama dapat dikatakan untuk rekan-rekan saya.

Jadi, inilah pertanyaan: Jika Anda mengambil laptop Anda berlibur? Harus ponsel Anda berada di 24/7? Klien sering bertanya, "Apa yang harus saya lakukan?" Jawaban saya: "Itu pertanyaan yang salah. Pertanyaannya adalah "Apa yang akan Anda lakukan?" Mungkin pertanyaan yang lebih baik akan "Apa yang akan kamu lakukan?" Mungkin pertanyaan terbaik dari semua adalah "Tindakan apa yang akan membawa Anda hasil terbaik?" Untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu , Anda harus meluangkan waktu untuk menjawab "Apa ADALAH hasil terbaik?"

Berulang kali saya telah menekankan bahwa salah satu definisi "organisasi" adalah "mengendalikan hal-hal yang dapat Anda kontrol, sehingga Anda dapat mengatasi hal-hal yang tidak bisa." Dalam dunia yang kompleks di mana kita hidup, terutama dengan tingkat konektivitas yang tersedia, sangat mudah untuk jatuh ke dalam perangkap perasaan bahwa kita adalah korban dari orang lain. Aku merasa ngeri ketika seseorang mengeluh tentang memiliki untuk menjawab ponsel mereka. Kata siapa? Jika Anda tidak ingin dicapai, Anda dapat "power off." Jika Anda harus dapat dicapai karena pekerjaan Anda memerlukan itu, maka pertanyaannya mungkin "Apakah saya di pekerjaan yang tepat?" Atau, apakah Anda hanya melatih orang bahwa Anda "selalu tersedia." layanan pelanggan besar, tetapi tidak memerlukan 24/7 respon. Hal ini membutuhkan komunikasi yang baik. Ini sangat frustasi untuk meninggalkan pesan dan tidak ada respon untuk hari, namun beberapa situasi akan menderita jika respon datang satu jam kemudian sehingga Anda bisa makan siang dengan rekan tanpa gangguan.

Konektivitas bisa membuat ketagihan. Putri saya, yang memiliki gelar PhD dalam konseling, mengingatkan saya bahwa kecanduan adalah sesuatu yang mengurangi kualitas hidup Anda dan orang-orang di sekitar Anda.

Jadi, apa semua ini harus dilakukan dengan produktivitas? Gairah saya adalah membantu individu dan organisasi menciptakan dan mempertahankan lingkungan yang produktif sehingga semua orang dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka dan menikmati hidup mereka. Ketika digunakan dengan tepat, konektivitas yang membantu Anda menyelesaikan pekerjaan Anda dan memungkinkan Anda untuk bermain. Hal ini juga dapat merusak prioritas Anda di tempat kerja, merusak kesehatan Anda, dan meracuni hubungan Anda bila digunakan secara tidak tepat.

Masalahnya bukan apakah Anda mengambil laptop Anda berlibur atau meninggalkan ponsel Anda pada 24/7. Bagi sebagian orang, kemampuan untuk memeriksa e-mail sekali sehari pada liburan membawa ketenangan pikiran dan dapat dilakukan ketika orang lain sedang tidur atau berenang. Bagi yang lain, seluruh ide liburan tidak mengambil laptop Anda. Tidak ada "benar" atau "salah." Pertanyaannya adalah apakah pilihan Anda adalah meningkatkan atau mengurangi hidup Anda dan kehidupan orang-orang di sekitar Anda.

Jadi "Power Off" atau "Power On?" - Itu benar-benar terserah Anda!

PS Sesuatu untuk berpikir tentang: Kemampuan Anda untuk membuat sambungan lagi berharga adalah mampu menemukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan ketika Anda membutuhkannya. Apakah Anda membuang-buang waktu berharga mencari apa yang Anda butuhkan? Bisakah Anda menemukan apa yang orang lain di kantor Anda miliki jika Anda membutuhkannya? Jika tidak, mengisi kami Produktif Lingkungan Scorecard, ( dan kami akan memberikan konsultasi gratis telepon 30 menit untuk mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah spesifik yang dapat Anda ambil untuk memastikan bahwa setiap orang dalam organisasi Anda mengambil tindakan yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat dengan informasi yang tepat.

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Small Home-Based Businesses -- Five Simple Steps to Success

Small Home-Based Businesses -- Five Simple Steps to Success

<b>Small Home-Based Businesses -- Five Simple Steps to Success</b>

In Australia, 60% of small businesses fail within the first twelve months. For anyone wanting to start a small business -- maybe even work from home -- that statistic seems daunting. Don’t be discouraged! Read about five simple business principles that can help you to succeed.

Small home-based business opportunity, work at home, serious home-based business opportunity, best home-based business opportunity. 

Article Body:
Did you know that, in Australia, 60% of small businesses fail in the first twelve months? For those of us who would like to start a small business -- maybe even work from home -- that’s a very discouraging statistic. 

Does that mean that your business idea is doomed to failure? Far from it! There are steps you can take that greatly increase your chances of success. With a little time and some serious research you can hit the ground running. Let’s start from the beginning…

<b>The bright idea</b>

First, of course, you need to come up with an idea. Typically, business opportunities can be divided into four groups:

1. Offering an existing product/service in an existing market.
2. Introducing an existing product/service to a new market.
3. Offering a new product/service in an existing market
4. Introducing a new product/service to a new market.

At this stage of the game the only limit is your imagination. Inspiration can come from anywhere -- maybe you have a hobby that you’d like to turn into a full-time job; you may be on the receiving end of bad service one day and decide to try doing it better yourself; or you may have a talent that you’d like to capitalise on.

Once you’ve come across something that you’d like to do, it’s time to take a look at the market and see what’s on offer. 

<b>Passing the test</b>

So you’ve had a great idea and you’re keen to roll with it; now it’s time to put it through its paces. For the purpose of the exercise, let’s say that you have a passion for healthy living, and that you want to distribute a range of lifestyle accessories that promote healthy living with a do-it-yourself approach. 

Ask around: Is there a market for products that promote healthy living? What sorts of products are available? Who would you be competing with and what do your competitors offer? Do you have the necessary skills to run such a business and -- more to the point -- what would those skills be? Where would your business be located?

Once you’ve answered those questions you should have a fairly clear picture of what your business will look like. 

You source some products and decide to do some further research into the range of lifestyle products offered by a company called Vitality 4 Life. Your own life experience plus some work you’ve done as a dietician has given you the necessary skill sets, and you think that you’ll be able to work from home, giving you more time for family. There is an existing market, but there’s room for expansion. Now it’s time to take a closer look.

<b>To be or not to be?</b>

It’s time to get down to the nuts and bolts. You don’t want to jump into something feet first and find out the hard way that the budget just doesn’t work. 

To get started, sit down and work out if you need to hire staff, which means paying wages.

If you lease a premises you’ll need to be able to pay the rent, and your location will have to be suitable for your business and target market (which also means that you’ll have to think carefully about just what that target market is). You’ll also need to work out the likely demand for your product/service.

Ok… you’ve worked out that there is enough demand for good quality juicers, sprouters, water filters and other high end accessories to take a shot at a distributorship as a home-based business opportunity. Now you need to make some marketing decisions.

<b>Look at me! Look at me!</b>

Advertising can be costly so you’ll want to be sure that your advertising budget is spent wisely. That means more market research, this time one-on-one. Profile your customer groups so you can aim your marketing at the right group/s of people.

Draw up a questionnaire (a short questionnaire -- people run out patience if you ramble for too long) and hang around outside a few of the local gyms (for our particular example). Come up with a mixture of open questions (What do you think of……..?) and closed questions (Do you have a gym membership? Yes/No.); sliding scales can be useful too. 

For our health accessories business, a good question might be ‘How did you hear about this gym? Radio, tv, newspaper, word of mouth etc…’ Such a question would then give you an indication of the types of media that your target group responds best to.

Choose a business name, print up some business cards, buy some stock and get ready to trade!

<b>Measure it, manage it!</b>

A teacher of mine made the point that, in business, if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it. 

You need to be able to plan ahead, and to do that you need to know -- or to be able to accurately predict -- your total sales. The equation is simple: number of customers x average sale x frequency of visits per customer per year = total sales. Remember it, revise it often, measure your business and you’ll be able to manage it!  

Keep an eye on your bottom line and, most importantly, always be aware of your cash flow -- the cold, hard cash that you have in the bank. Allow for invoice periods (14 days, 30 days etc) when you’re planning your budget.

The market place has a life of its own, and no one can prepare for every contingency. Put some thought into your idea; make sure that there’s a market for what you’re offering; research, research, research; promote your business effectively; always know what’s going on in your bank account and don’t forget about cash flow! 

It’s not perfect but, if you follow these few simple steps, you’ll be miles ahead of many new small business ventures. If you’ve heard of a great home-based business opportunity, or have a product or service of your own to market, you’re off to a great start!

“Powering Off” or “Power On?”

Word Count:

Do you take your laptop on vacation?  Do you sometimes “hate” your cell phone or your Blackberry?  Harris Interactive recently reported that one-third of vacationers take their laptops on vacation.  During a Sunday meal at a restaurant recently, I observed a man sitting with his family talking on his cell phone -- obviously about business. He was not happy – neither was his family!

organizing, time management, travel, 

Article Body:
Do you take your laptop on vacation?  Do you sometimes “hate” your cell phone or your Blackberry?  Harris Interactive recently reported that one-third of vacationers take their laptops on vacation.  During a Sunday meal at a restaurant recently, I observed a man sitting with his family talking on his cell phone -- obviously about business. He was not happy – neither was his family!  

To paraphrase Charles Dickens, “It is the best of times.  It is the worst of times.”  Certainly that applies when it comes to “connectivity.” Stories of 9-11 victims being able to communicate with family members in the last minutes of their lives warmed my heart, while the story my friend told of her mother answering her cell phone in the delivery room during the birth of her grandchild chilled my soul.  

How grateful I was for my cell phone when I came across a young woman stalled on an interstate without one, and I could immediately get help. How convenient it is on vacation to use the Internet to explore the options for entertainment in the area on a rainy afternoon, and get directions to find it easily.  How comforting to know that my family can reach me in case of an emergency – or something to celebrate! -- regardless of where I am in the world.  The same can be said for my colleagues.  

So here’s the question:  Should you take your laptop on vacation?  Should your cell phone be on 24/7?  Clients often ask, “What should I do?”  My answer:  “That’s the wrong question.  The question is “What will you do?”    Maybe an even better question would be “What would you like to do?”  Perhaps the best question of all is “What action will bring you the best results?”   In order to answer that question, you have to take the time to answer “What ARE your best results?”  

Repeatedly I have emphasized that one definition of “organization” is “controlling the things you can control, so you can cope with the things you can’t.”   In the complex world in which we live, especially with the level of connectivity available, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling that we are victims of other people. I cringe when someone complains about having to answer their cell phone.  Says who?  If you don’t want to be reached, you can “power off.”  If you have to be reachable because your job requires it, then the question may be “Am I in the right job?”  Or, have you simply trained people that you are “always available.”  Customer service is great, but it doesn’t require 24/7 response.  It requires good communication.  It’s highly frustrating to leave a message and get no response for days, but few situations would suffer if the response came one hour later so you could have lunch with a colleague without interruption.  

Connectivity can be addictive.  My daughter, who has her PhD in counseling, reminded me that an addiction is something that reduces the quality of your life and the people around you.  

So what does all this have to do with productivity?  My passion is helping individuals and organizations create and sustain a productive environment so everyone can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives.  When used appropriately, connectivity does help you accomplish your work and enable you to play. It can also undermine your priorities at work, destroy your health, and poison your relationships when used inappropriately.  

The issue is not whether you take your laptop on vacation or leave your cell phone on 24/7. For some people, the ability to check e-mail once a day on vacation brings peace of mind and can be done when others are sleeping or swimming. For others, the whole idea of a vacation is not taking your laptop. There is no “right” or “wrong.”  The question is whether your choice is enhancing or diminishing your life and the lives of the people around you. 

So “Power Off” or “Power On?” – it’s truly up to you! 

P.S.  SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT:  Your ability to make any connection more valuable is being able to find the information you need when you need it.  Are you wasting valuable time looking for what you need? Could you find what other people in your office have if you needed it?  If not, fill out our Productive Environment Scorecard, ( and we’ll give you a free 30-minute phone consultation to identify specific steps you can take to make sure that everyone in your organization is taking the right action at the right time with the right information.

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Singles, the greatest strain in tennis, is the game for two players. It is in this phase of the game that the personal equation reaches its crest of importance. This is the game of individual effort, mental and physical.

A hard 5-set singles match is the greatest strain on the body and nervous system of any form of sport. Singles is a game of daring,  dash, speed of foot and stroke. It is a game of chance far  more than doubles. Since you have no partner dependent upon you,  you can afford to risk error for the possibility of speedy victory. Much of what I wrote under match play is more for singles than doubles, yet let me call your attention to certain peculiarities of singles from the standpoint of the spectator.

A gallery enjoys personalities far more than styles. Singles brings two people into close and active relations that show the idiosyncrasies of each player far more acutely than doubles. The spectator is in the position of a man watching an insect under a microscope. He can analyse the inner workings.

The freedom of restraint felt on a single court is in marked contrast to the need for team work in doubles. Go out for your shot in singles whenever there is a reasonable chance of getting it. Hit harder at all times in singles than in doubles, for you have more chance of scoring and can take more risk.

Singles is a game of the imagination, doubles a science of exact angles.

Doubles is four-handed tennis. Enough of this primary reader definition.

It is just as vital to play to your partner in tennis as in bridge. Every time you make a stroke you must do it with a definite plan to avoid putting your partner in trouble. The keynote of doubles success is team work; not individual brilliancy. There is a certain type of team work dependent wholly upon individual brilliancy. Where both players are in the same class, a team is as strong as its weakest player at any given time, for here it is even team work with an equal division of the court that should be the method of play. In the case of one strong player and one weaker player, the team is as good as the strong player can make it by protecting and defending the weaker. This pair should develop its team work on the individual brilliancy of the stronger man.

The first essential of doubles play is to PUT the ball in play. A double fault is bad in singles, but it is inexcusable in doubles. The return of service should be certain. After that it should be low and to the server coming in. Do not strive for clean aces in doubles until you have the opening. Remember that to pass two men is a difficult task.

Always attack in doubles. The net is the only place in the court to play the doubles game, and you should always strive to attain the net position. I believe in always trying for the kill when you see a real opening. "Poach" (go for a shot which is not really on your side of the court) whenever you see a chance to score. Never poach unless you go for the kill. It is a win or nothing shot since it opens your whole court. If you are missing badly do not poach, as it is very disconcerting to your partner.

The question of covering a doubles court should not be a serious one. With all men striving to attain the net all the time every shot should be built up with that idea. Volley and smash whenever possible, and only retreat when absolutely necessary.

When the ball goes toward the side-line the net player on that side goes in close and toward the line. His partner falls slightly back and to the centre of the court, thus covering the shot between the men. If the next return goes to the other side, the two men reverse positions. The theory of court covering is two sides of a triangle, with the angle in the centre and the two sides running to the side-lines and in the direction of the net.

Each man should cover overhead balls over his own head, and hit them in the air whenever possible, since to allow them to drop gives the net to the other team. The only time for the partner to protect the overhead is when the net man "poaches," is outguessed, and the ball tossed over his head. Then the server covers and strives for a kill at once.

Always be ready to protect your partner, but do not take shots over his head unless he calls for you to, or you see a certain kill. Then say "Mine," step in and hit decisively. The matter of overhead balls, crossing under them, and such incidentals of team work are matters of personal opinion, and should be arranged by each team according to their joint views. I only offer general rules that can be modified to meet the wishes of the individuals.

Use the lob as a defence, and to give time to extricate yourself and your partner from a bad position. The value of service in doubles cannot be too strongly emphasized since it gives the net to the server. Service should always be held. To lose service is an unpardonable sin in first-class doubles. All shots in doubles should be low or very high. Do not hit shoulder-high as it is too easy to kill. Volley down and hard if possible. Every shot you make should be made with a definite idea of opening the court.

Hit down the centre to disrupt the team work of the opposing team; but hit to the side-lines for your aces.

Pick one man, preferably the weaker of your opponents, and centre your attack on him and keep it there. Pound him unmercifully, and in time he should crack under the attack. It is very foolish to alternate attack, since it simply puts both men on their game and tires neither.

If your partner starts badly play safely and surely until he rounds to form. Never show annoyance with your partner. Do not scold him. He is doing the best he can, and fighting with him does no good. Encourage him at all times and don't worry. A team that is fighting among themselves has little time left to play tennis, and after all tennis is the main object of doubles.

Offer suggestions to your partner at any time during a match; but do not insist on his following them, and do not get peevish if he doesn't. He simply does not agree with you, and he may be right. Who knows?

Every doubles team should have a leader to direct its play; but that leader must always be willing to drop leadership for any given point when his partner has the superior position. It is policy of attack not type of stroke that the leader should determine.

Pick a partner and stick to him. He should be a man you like and want to play with, and he should want to play with you. This will do away with much friction. His style should not be too nearly your own, since you double the faults without greatly increasing the virtues.


The net attack is the heavy artillery of tennis. It is supposed to crush all defence. As such it must be regarded as a point-winning stroke at all times, no matter whether the shot is volley or smash.

Once at the net hit from the point at the first opportunity given to get the racquet squarely on the ball. All the laws of footwork explained for the drive are theoretically the same in volleying. In practice you seldom have time to change your feet to a set position, so you obviate trouble by throwing the weight on the foot nearest to the ball and pushing it in the shot.

Volleys are of two classes: (1) the low volley, made from below the waist; and (2) the high volley, from the waist to the head. In contradistinction to the hitting plane classification are the two styles known as (1) the deep volley and (2) the stop volley.

All low volleys are blocked. High volleys may be either blocked or hit. Volleys should never be stroked. There is no follow through on a low volley and very little on a high one.

You will hear much talk of "chop" volleys. A chop stroke is one where the racquet travels from above the line of flight of the ball, down and through it, and the angle made behind the racquet is greater than 45 degrees, and many approach 90 degrees. Therefore I say that no volleys should be chopped, for the tendency is to pop the ball up in the air off any chop. Slice volleys if you want to, or hit them flat, for both these shots are made at a very small angle to the flight-line of the ball, the racquet face travelling almost along its plane.

In all volleys, high or low, the wrist should be locked and absolutely stiff. It should always be below the racquet head, thus bracing the racquet against the impact of the ball. Allow the force of the incoming shot, plus your own weight, to return the ball, and do not strive to "wrist" it over. The tilted racquet face will give any required angle to the return by glancing the ball off the strings, so no wrist turn is needed.

Low volleys can never be hit hard, and owing to the height of the net should usually be sharply angled, to allow distance for the rise. Any ball met at a higher plane than the top of the net may be hit hard. The stroke should be crisp, snappy, and decisive, but it should stop as it meets the ball. The follow through should be very small. Most low volleys should be soft and short. Most high volleys require speed and length.

The "stop" volley is nothing more than a shot blocked short. There is no force used. The racquet simply meets the oncoming ball and stops it. The ball rebounds and falls of its own weight. There is little bounce to such a shot, and that may be reduced by allowing the racquet to slide slightly under the ball at the moment of impact, thus imparting back spin to the ball.

Volleying is a science based on the old geometric axiom that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. I mean that a volleyer must always cover the straight passing shot since it is the shortest shot with which to pass him, and he must volley straight to his opening and not waste time trying freakish curving volleys that give the base-liner time to recover. It is Johnston's great straight volley that makes him such a dangerous net man. He is always "punching" his volley straight and hard to the opening in his opponent's court.

A net player must have ground strokes in order to attain the net position. Do not think that a service and volley will suffice against first-class tennis.

Strive to kill your volleys at once, but should your shot not win, follow the ball 'cross and again cover the straight shot. Always force the man striving to pass you to play the hardest possible shot.

Attack with your volleys. Never defend the ball when at the net. The only defensive volley is one at your feet as you come in. It is a mid-court shot. Volleys should win with placement more than speed, although speed may be used on a high volley.

Closely related to the volley, yet in no way a volley stroke, is the overhead smash. It is the Big Bertha of tennis. It is the long range terror that should always score. The rules of footwork, position, and direction that govern the volley will suffice for the overhead. The swing alone is different. The swing should be closely allied to the slice service, the racquet and arm swinging freely from the shoulder, the wrist flexible and the racquet imparting a slight twist to the ball to hold it in court. The overhead is mainly a point winner through speed, since its bounce is so high that a slow placement often allows time for a recovery.

Do not leap in the air unnecessarily to hit overhead balls. Keep at least one foot, and when possible both feet, on the ground in smashing, as it aids in regulating the weight, and gives better balance. Hit flat and decisively to the point if desired.

Most missed overhead shots are due to the eye leaving the ball; but a second class of errors are due to lack of confidence that gives a cramped, half-hearted swing. Follow through your overhead shot to the limit of your swing.

The overhead is essentially a doubles shot, because in singles the chances of passing the net man are greater than lobbing over his head, while in doubles two men cover the net so easily that the best way to open the court is to lob one man back.

In smashing, the longest distance is the safest shot since it allows a greater margin of error. Therefore smash 'cross court when pressed, but pull your short lobs either side as determined by the man you are playing.

Never drop a lob you can hit overhead, as it forces you back and gives the attacking position to your opponent. Never smash with a reverse twist, always hit with a straight racquet face and direct to the opening.

Closely connected to the overhead since it is the usual defence to any hard smash, is the lob.

A lob is a high toss of the ball landing between the service-line and the baseline. An excellent lob should be within 6 feet of the baseline.

Lobs are essentially defensive. The ideas in lobbing are: (1) to give yourself time to recover position when pulled out of court by your opponent's shot; (2) to drive back the net man and break up his attack; (3) to tire your opponent; (4) occasionally to, win cleanly by placement. This is usually a lob volley from a close net rally, and is a slightly different stroke.

There is (1) the chop lob, a heavily under-cut spin that hangs in the air. This, is the best defensive lob, as it goes high and gives plenty of time to recover position. (2) The stroke lob or flat lob, hit with a slight top spin. This is the point-winning lob since it gives no time to, the player to run around it, as it is lower and faster than the chop. In making this lob, start your swing like a drive, but allow the racquet to slow up and the face to tilt upward just as you meet the ball. This, shot should seldom go above 10 feet in the air, since it tends to go out with the float of the ball.

The chop lob, which is a decided under cut, should rise from 20 to 30 feet, or more, high and must go deep. It is better to lob out and run your opponent back, thus tiring him, than to lob short and give him confidence by an easy kill. The value of a lob is mainly one of upsetting your opponent, and its effects are very apparent if you unexpectedly bring off one at the crucial period of a match.

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